
Seven for Sunday; Oasis Edition/I Hate Wonderwall.

I love Oasis. As a kid I was told by my father I should hate them because they were a Beatles knockoff. Clearly, my father was very misinformed. Yes, there are Beatles elements but fuck you, I like Oasis, they produce complete and solid albums. I suppose I am to say that What's The Story Morning Glory? is my favorite Oasis album. The truth is, it isn't.

Sure it's good. But I hate it because everyone picks it for the same goddamn reasons. It contains both Wonderwall and Champagne Supernova. Both are songs of our generation and whatnot. But they don't do it for me anymore. My favorite Oasis album happens to be Be Here Now. Which came after Morning Glory and I really don't even know if people even like Be Here Now. But that is kinda how I figure out if people have explored their catalog.

Digsy's Dinner by Oasis
From the album Definitely Maybe, before they were huge and before they were fine tuned. It's kinda rough and I think it could have been recorded in one take. It's not polished.

Live Forever by Oasis
From Definitely Maybe. This kinda reminded me of a David Bowie song once, but I cant' remember which.

Don't Look Back In Anger by Oasis
From (What's the Story) Morning Glory? This probably has some of Oasis' best lyrics. I like the line about trusting a rock n roll band given the volatile relationship of Noel and Liam Gallagher. I am still kinda amazed after all of this they have stuck together to put out this many albums and still plan on doing so.

"So I start a revolution from my bed/since you said the brains I had went to my head."

D'You Know What I Mean by Oasis
From Be Here Now. This is my song. I love this song. So much. I love how it takes more than a minute to get going. And you hear planes in the distance. I love how it ends all, uhm jagged I suppose. It's some of the best seven minutes of music ever. I can't imagine a song better to begin Be Here Now.

Fade In-Out by Oasis
From Be Here Now. Fun fact, Johnny Depp plays guitar on this song. It's not the only reason why I picked it. But it's something I like to often share.

Lyla by Oasis
From Don't Believe the Truth. Off of one of their most recent discs. And Oasis still does not suck and Lyla is proof of this. The opening is like, really happy clappy I suppose. I always hope to be a Lyla.

All Around the World by Oasis
From Be Here Now. It's 9 minutes long. And awesome. I prefer this to the Reprise version. At&T fucking bought this to use in a commercial not too long ago. I was livid. But it also meant I could hear the song more often.

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